The SWK „Kundenbeirat“ (customer advisory board)
The Institution „Kundenbeirat” had a long tradition in the Gasanstalt Kaiserslautern AG.
After the merger of the Gasanstalt Kaiserslautern AG and the TWK Technische Werke Kaiserslautern Versorgungs-AG into the SWK Stadtwerke Kaiserslautern Versorgungs-AG, a “Kundenbeirat” was appointed for the first time in 2012
The customer advisory board of SWK Versorgungs-AG is supposed to:
- Strengthen the relationship between SWK and its customers,
- Foster the exchange of views between SWK and its customers,
- Deepen the flow of information between SWK and its customers,
- Further improve the dialogue with customers by proposing optimizations for customer service.
The SWK “Kundenbeirat” meets twice a year and maintains direct information exchange with the management board.
You can contact the customer advisory board by email to let them know about suggestions, requests and recommendations.
Members of the SWK customer advisory board:
- Dr. Gottfried Eisenbeis, Vorsitzender
- Uwe Adam, stv. Vorsitzender
- Liesel Durst
- Gerard Denu
- Gerhard Dohna
- Christoph Heyn
- Sigrid Irlesberger-Reiling
- Klaus-Dieter Kraemer
- Horst Müller
- Karl Pletsch
- Peter Przesdzink
- Oliver Rechenbach
- Jürgen Reincke
- Wilhelm Welker