We want to supply our region with the best possible drinking water, straight from the tap. That’s why water quality is so important to us. WVE GmbH Kaiserslautern, a subsidiary of the SWK Group, conducts continuous microbiological testing on the city’s water. We also send our samples to other laboratories, where they are subjected to regular physicochemical testing and tests for pesticide residue.

Good to Know

Our drinking water is of the highest quality. Our water is sourced from a natural spring in the sandstone of Germany’s Rhineland-Palatinate forests, ensuring low nitrate levels. So you can rest assured that our water is safe for use in infant formula and perfect for specialized nutritional requirements, including low-sodium diets.

Our drinking water is classified as the first degree of hardness in Germany, meaning that it is very soft. The benefits: you need less detergent and cleaning products. And that has numerous advantages – you can protect the environment while doing your wallet a favor, too. In addition, it means that wastewater is less polluted.

You can find all drinking water analyses for Rhineland-Palatinate in the Drinking Water Information System at www.trinkwasser.rlp.de.

Information on water preparation materials

What other customers want to know

We are here for you

Your contact

Team SWK Kundenservice
Mo to Fr: 8 am – 5 pm
Phone (0631) 8001-1200

For you. With all our energy.

Do you have questions about our products or our services? We are happy to provide you with a detailed consultation and any help you may require. Simply let us know what you need and our experts will take care of you as quickly as possible.

Please use our customer portal for issues such as name changes, meter readings, notifying us of a move, or something similar.





Our locations

SWK Stadtwerke Kaiserslautern Versorgungs-AG

SWK Customer Service Center

Bismarckstraße 14
67655 Kaiserslautern

Business hours
Due to the corona pandemic, only open by phone appointment!

Tel.: (0631) 8001-1200
Fax: (0631) 8001-1000
Email: customerservice@swk-kl.de

SWK Mobilitätszentrale

Fruchthallstraße 14
67655 Kaiserslautern

Business hours
Due to the corona pandemic, this branch will remain closed until further notice!

Tel.: (0631) 8001-3530

SWK Energy Consulting Center

Brandenburger Straße 2
67663 Kaiserslautern

Appointments outside are possible
Tel.: (0631) 8001-1602

Technical Service, Asset Management

Karcherstraße 28
67655 Kaiserslautern

What other customers want to know
